Education Related Grants FY2013

Organization Location   Grant Description Amount Paid
Carver Statewide Scholarship Program Statewide IA Scholarships for students facing adversity and special circumstances.
African American Museum of Iowa Cedar Rapids IA Assist in the development of a new exhibit and related educational programming.
American Red Cross Muscatine IA Support health and safety training initiatives for underserved youth.
Briar Cliff University Sioux City IA Develop a molecular biology teaching laboratory.
Cedar Falls Public Library Cedar Falls IA Upgrade the circulation and security system.
Cedar Rapids Public Library Cedar Rapids IA Construct a new branch facility.
Council Bluffs Public Library Council Bluffs IA Upgrade the circulation and security system.
Eastern Iowa Community College District Davenport IA Develop an education and outreach program in energy science and sustainability.
Eulenspiegel Puppet Theatre West Liberty IA Support an expansion of community outreach.
Garrison Public Library Garrison IA Construct a new library.
Iowa City Public Library Iowa City IA Update the library interior.
Iowa Mathematics and Science Education Partnership Cedar Falls IA Support a professional education program for teachers of physics.
Louisa-Muscatine Community School District Letts IA Assist in an expansion of literacy resources for elementary-grade students.
Maharishi University of Management Fairfield IA Purchase scientific equipment.
Muscatine Community School District Muscatine IA Support the 2013 Excellence in Education Program.
Nevada Public Library Nevada IA Construct a library addition.
Robey Memorial Library Waukon IA Construct a library addition.
Rotary District 6000 Humanitarian & Educational Foundation, Inc. Iowa City IA Support a multi-city, cultural and educational dance outreach program.
Scott County Library System Eldridge IA Replace the bookmobile.
Thompson Public Library Thompson IA Renovate a building to expand the library.
Toledo Public Library Foundation Toledo IA Interior upgrades to library building.
University of Illinois Urbana IL Purchase an archival data storage system.
University of Iowa Iowa City IA Support a literacy advancement initiative in Muscatine-area schools.
University of Iowa Iowa City IA Support the development of a mechanobiology laboratory.
University of Iowa Iowa City IA Upgrade equipment for instructional laboratories.
University of Iowa Iowa City IA Preserve and digitize scientific data from the Van Allen laboratory.
University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls IA Purchase resources for the Literacy Education Library.
University of Northern Iowa Foundation Cedar Falls IA Create a center for educational research and development.
Van Horne Public Library Van Horne IA Construct a new facility.
Viola Public Library Viola IL Renovate a new library building.
Waterville Public Library Waterville IA Renovate a building to expand the library.
WVIK Augustana Public Radio Rock Island IL Support the station\’s capital campaign. 