Organization | Location | Grant Description | Amount Paid | |
Carver Statewide Scholarship Program | Statewide | IA | Scholarships for students facing adversity and special circumstances. |
African American Museum of Iowa | Cedar Rapids | IA | Assist in the development of a new exhibit and related educational programming. |
American Red Cross | Muscatine | IA | Support health and safety training initiatives for underserved youth. |
Briar Cliff University | Sioux City | IA | Develop a molecular biology teaching laboratory. |
Cedar Falls Public Library | Cedar Falls | IA | Upgrade the circulation and security system. |
Cedar Rapids Public Library | Cedar Rapids | IA | Construct a new branch facility. |
Council Bluffs Public Library | Council Bluffs | IA | Upgrade the circulation and security system. |
Eastern Iowa Community College District | Davenport | IA | Develop an education and outreach program in energy science and sustainability. |
Eulenspiegel Puppet Theatre | West Liberty | IA | Support an expansion of community outreach. |
Garrison Public Library | Garrison | IA | Construct a new library. |
Iowa City Public Library | Iowa City | IA | Update the library interior. |
Iowa Mathematics and Science Education Partnership | Cedar Falls | IA | Support a professional education program for teachers of physics. |
Louisa-Muscatine Community School District | Letts | IA | Assist in an expansion of literacy resources for elementary-grade students. |
Maharishi University of Management | Fairfield | IA | Purchase scientific equipment. |
Muscatine Community School District | Muscatine | IA | Support the 2013 Excellence in Education Program. |
Nevada Public Library | Nevada | IA | Construct a library addition. |
Robey Memorial Library | Waukon | IA | Construct a library addition. |
Rotary District 6000 Humanitarian & Educational Foundation, Inc. | Iowa City | IA | Support a multi-city, cultural and educational dance outreach program. |
Scott County Library System | Eldridge | IA | Replace the bookmobile. |
Thompson Public Library | Thompson | IA | Renovate a building to expand the library. |
Toledo Public Library Foundation | Toledo | IA | Interior upgrades to library building. |
University of Illinois | Urbana | IL | Purchase an archival data storage system. |
University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | Support a literacy advancement initiative in Muscatine-area schools. |
University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | Support the development of a mechanobiology laboratory. |
University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | Upgrade equipment for instructional laboratories. |
University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | Preserve and digitize scientific data from the Van Allen laboratory. |
University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls | IA | Purchase resources for the Literacy Education Library. |
University of Northern Iowa Foundation | Cedar Falls | IA | Create a center for educational research and development. |
Van Horne Public Library | Van Horne | IA | Construct a new facility. |
Viola Public Library | Viola | IL | Renovate a new library building. |
Waterville Public Library | Waterville | IA | Renovate a building to expand the library. |
WVIK Augustana Public Radio | Rock Island | IL | Support the station\’s capital campaign. |
Total |